Jätten Twist
The giant "Twist"
This sculpture was built in the summer of 2017 on the wall of the old industry where my studio is. The area is an inneryard wich was crowded with people at the inaguation in september 2017. The ceremony was lead by the community and guesting and conducting the inaguation was the very famous comedian, Lasse Åberg.
The figure is six meters high and is called "The giant Twist".
In very old sayings the story is that once upon a time there was a giant who lived in the easter part of Sweden. One day he and his giant wife where invited to a party in the west of sweden. When they were going home his wife couldn`t jump over the big lake Vättern in the south of Sweden. The giant Vist then picked up a piece of soil and threw it in the lake. Then his wife could step on it and get over to the east side of Sweden and home.
I have extended the story by thinking abut what they where doing at the party. Probably they danced with other giants al night long. And of cause they danced the twistdance! So I named the figure "the giant Twist". Only because it rimes on the name of the real giants name, - giant Vist.
Västerbrunn 2017

This sculpture was build by me and Susanne Westberg as an installation for a waterfestivalweek in Jönköping in august 2017.
We called it Västerbrunn, (Westwell), because that was the name of a well at this spot a very long time ago. In the old days the inhabitans of the old town Jönköping went here by boat in the weekends. It was a popular event to go here and "drink well" (dricka brunn). The water was said to be good for your health.
The sculpture shows a family from the old Jönköping on a free day comming here to "drink well". Of cause they are build by old waterpipes standing in half an old barrel filed with water. Water is pouring from their cranes and during the night the pouring water and the water they stand in was shining with lights.
After the waterfestivalweek we dismantled the sculpture. It didn`t stand here for long, but many people pasing by stopped and looked and expressed joy and appreciation over it.